Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Street ministry Team

We started a Wednesday night Street Ministry team yesterday. Five new volunteers found their way out on to the streets of downtown Detroit. We encountered five homeless men and began to learn more about homelessness at night in Detroit. If you would like to join us please call me at 313-309-1270

Friday, November 4, 2011

Next step for Street ministry….

The weather is changing and the shelters are starting to open in the evenings for the homeless. In an effort to identify and support the most marginalized homeless who generally do not find their way to a shelter, Bro AL and I will be starting a Wednesday evening street ministry schedule. The first night will be November 9, 2011. We will meet in the parish office’s lower conference room at 6:30 pm to discuss the ministry and go over the content of the ministry with anyone who is volunteering to be part of these days. The office is located at 1232 Washington Blvd. If you would like to participate in the Wednesday evening Street Ministry please call me at 313-309-1270 so that I know how many for sure will be at the meeting. Make sure to wear appropriate clothing for the weather. We will go out no matter what the weather is like. I would recommend you bring a small flashlight also.

Deacon Don Leach

Someone cares enough……………

I had the pleasure of working the street ministry on Wednesday with a parishioner from St Aloysius our Neighborhood Services Director Mike Carsten, SFO. Mike was the Director of the Outreach Center before it closed and has been very helpful in redirecting our efforts at St Al’s. He was missing some of the folks from the Center so we went out on the streets to see what was happening. It was great seeing all the guys calling his name and walking over to see him. So many hugs and solid handshakes were given. Laughter and smiles filled many faces when they talked. At one point, we met a young man in Grand Circus Park. Mike called him and he smiled a wide smile when he saw Mike. Mike introduced me and another volunteer to the man. He asked Mike, “What are you doing out here?” Mike responded, “We are out looking for you to see how you are?” The man said, “No, really why are you out here?” Mike talked about the center closing and our new approach to ministry on the streets. The young man smiled and said, “It is good to know that someone cares enough to look for me!” Mike asked him if he needed anything to eat. The man turned down his offer and said he wasn’t hungry. The Salvation Army food truck had just been in the area. Mike asked if he wanted a sandwich for later. The young man said no that he was fine. He could however use a pair of new socks. Mike handed over the socks. As we were walking away, the man said to us, “Have a blessed day. Thanks for thinking of me.”

That exchange for me was the epitome of what we are trying to do in the Neighborhood Services ministries. We are looking out for people in the neighborhood. Mostly, we are present. The ministry has really very little to do with the stuff we have to offer—the greatest gift is ourselves.